sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2020

Barbarrossa Pictures

A couple of weeks ago I ran a cracking weekend of 3 x 1941 Russian Front games for Big Chain of Command at the Wargames Holiday Centre for Mr Freeth - Here are a few pictures from the weekend, which was based around the German drive to Cherkassy in August 41
A great time was had by all, many thanks for a great weekend played in an excellent spirit

Rubicon T34 supported by Warlord and Crusader infantry  

Ruined building from Charlie Foxtrot

Germans chased out of the factory courtyard

T34 turns into a T26! (the wonders of photography)

Warlord T26, wrecked Opel from Anyscale models 

T26's move up past a Things from the Basement house, re-worked 20mm 4Ground house on the right 

The 2 rear buildings are from Scenic Store

Cat and mouse in the outskirts of Cherkassy

Rubicon Panzer III supports the infantry

Pioneer section moves along a ridge to clear the minefields

Black Tree Design and Warlord infantry, 

Soviets attempt to stop the pioneers clearing the minefields

Warlord and Crusader Soviets

T26 comes off worse from an encounter with a Panzer IV
BTD ATR section waits for a target
Building burns following a Stuka attack

Grenadiers come under fire

Soviets attempt to outflank the pioneers while they clear the mines

Game 2: Patrol phase

Outskirts of Cherkassy - ready for game 3

The table for the weekend
Anti- tank rifle section after scaring a Stug!
Game 2 - Stuka hits a Charlie Foxtrot building in its first game....typical

Let's Keep An Eye Out For Cytopia

With city builder games climbing back into popularity, it was about time for a serious libre project to tackle the genre once again. After many years of abandoned efforts, it is now the turn of Cytopia to try to scratch that itch.

The project had its inception in 2018, when now lead developer JimmySnails announced in a forum post the intention of creating an engine that could replicate most of the functionalities of the classic SimCity 2000, a game still near and dear to many players up to this day. Ever since then, Cytopia evolved into what appears to a fully-fledged independent game-in-progress, with its own graphics, features, and even an editor planned down the line.

Aside from the obvious SimCity 2000 influences, the game also appears to draw inspiration from the recently released TheoTown, with main graphics artist KingTut101 crafting assets in a very similar style.

Whether Cytopia will deliver where others have failed remains to be seen, but as usual we encourage you to download the initial tech demos and show support for the project.

The developers also have an official Patreon to help support hosting expenses.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:
Unspecified (reverts to same license as the code, by default)